The former President Bill Clinton used his Wednesday speech at the Democratic National Convention to praise the record of the current President Joe Biden and suggest that a Harris presidency would bring happiness to the country.
Following an encomium to Biden’s handling of Covid-19, the economy, and foreign policy, Clinton compared Biden to George Washington: “And then he did something that’s really hard for a politician to do—he voluntarily gave up political power. And George Washington knew that, and he did it.”
Clinton proceeded to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris and her agenda. “I want you to be happy,” he said. “One of the reasons that President-to-be Harris is doing so well is that we’re all so happy.
Clinton seemed positive about the Democratic Party’s future. “I’ve seen all these things that even I have to be reminded of from time to time when I get my spirits down. I love seeing the Obamas here, I love seeing President Biden, and I thought Hillary gave a great speech too,” Clinton commented. “But I love seeing all these young leaders, a bunch of them are coming up after me. They look better, they sound better, and they’ll be exciting.”
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